Police Uno Site


Promotional Preparation

Exemplary Leadership

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"Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end,

dare to do our duty as we understand it." 

Abraham Lincoln

Welcome to the Policeology LLC website. Policeology LLC is a multilingual and multicultural provider of world-class training based in Fort Lauderdale, FL. We provide innovative, professional, quality training and consulting for police and security needs. We offer training classes in the following areas:

     1. Exemplary Leadership

     2. Promotional Preparation

     3. Grant Writing & Preparation

     4. Juvenile Delinquency Prevention & Intervention Programs

     5. Supervising School Based Policing

     6. Supervising Task Forces/ Anti-Crime Units

     7. Critical Incident Preparedness & Critical Incident Exercises

     8. Executive Protection



Of these classes the most popular is our Exemplary Police Leadership workshop. The Leadership Workshop will provide the participants with the ability to examine our top 10 Dimensions of exemplary police leaders. Participants will also learn to implement culture change, accountability, role of ethical police leaders, craft a Strategic Plan, and also receive our innovative Police Leader Transition Guide. The seminar is fast-paced and designed for the modern world. These leadership dimensions have inspired police leaders of all ranks for over 10 years.


Policeology personnel are highly experienced, trained and educated; specializing in the areas of law enforcement, security and education. Our personnel are practitioners actively working in their respective fields. This ensures that we stay current with issues and technology in the field. Please contact us for specific training questions.


“To lead tomorrow, learn today”


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